Join Talented and Ambitious Women in the Automotive Technology space.

“We are not a women’s group. We are an automotive technology group comprised exclusively of women. We hold regular events to educate our members, socialize and increase valuable skills such as leadership, public speaking and organizing.”

— Michelle Avary

Why Join?

Attend Networking & Industry Events

As a member of WAT, you can connect in person and virtually with other women in automotive technology. WAT holds regular events, including happy hours, workshops, panels, and more.

Become a Mentor or Mentee

WAT’s mentorship program helps women learn from the professional and life experiences of other women leaders. Mentors and mentees are grouped once a year and work together 1:1 or in groups.

Develop Professional Skills

Whether you’re looking to build relationships with other women in the automotive technology space, gain industry expertise, or build your professional network, WAT offers endless development opportunities.

Join Us.

Would you like to become a member of Women in Automotive Technology (WAT)? If you identify as female and work in automotive technology or surrounding fields, or if you simply wish to network with like-minded women, you’re welcome to join!

Registering as a member allows you to be notified of upcoming events hosted by WAT and by our partner organizations, and to participate in online discussions and other features to stay in the loop with our community. We’ll only use your info to stay in touch, and we’ll never send it to anyone else.